As a Lifestyle Designer and Mind-Body Wellness and Creativity Coach, I specialize in guiding creatives and entrepreneurs through the journey of designing their ideal lifestyle, where work-life balance, creative expression, and holistic wellness converge. My mission is to support you in harmonizing the demands of your professional and personal life, enabling a seamless integration of passion, purpose, and well-being.

I believe that transformation doesn’t always require monumental change; often, it's about refining the small, daily habits that cumulate to create significant, sustainable change. Our coaching journey is designed to crystallize your vision of who you are and where you want to be, tapping into your intrinsic motivators and cultivating habits that foster positive evolution.

With a focus on maintaining high energy levels, we ensure that you are equipped to sustain new habits and achieve lasting transformation. Embrace the journey with us, as we guide you towards a life that not only meets your potential but in which you are thriving!